Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Hostel Life #1

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!

After few weeks without any posts, I'm here again. Even this entry is not will be so super duper intresting story, iduncare. This is my life. As a student in a big school. 

๐Ÿ™‹ Hows my hostel life in about 3 years? (2015-2017)

So far not bad. not bad. Im fall in๐Ÿ’• with my hostel life. Memanglah waktu form1 senior2 akan cerita kat kau berjuta cerita hantu asrama, tapi kalau kau amal al-mulk, ayat kursi, alfatihah, 3qul tu inshaallah nothing bad will happens. Tawakkal tu bulatkan, jangan bagi kemek sikit pun. Kalau malas sangat nak baca almulk tu pun atleast lah kan, atleast ayatkursi tu ingat.

Then time form2, in febuary I went to my new school somewhere far from my house. Ya Allah sis makin jauh dengan rumah๐Ÿ˜– Tapi kan pasal belajar tu, pergi jelah. Why I am moving to another school? Sekolah lama takbest eh? Bukan begitu๐Ÿ™Š Quite funny and I am really appreciate for those who stand behind me by thick and thin. wee wee. I miss you guys you know? 

So, now I'm in form3. YA ALLAH SIS DAH NAK PT3๐Ÿ™€ Sempat lagi blogging? Tak takut ke kak PT3? Okay nak klise or ikhlas dari hati punya answer? Klise? Okay, if klise Ill say that everyone in Malaysia who was born in 2002 will feel afraid to face PT3 unless theyre the genius one, so no prob en? Tapi kalau yang ikhlas dari hati yang paling dalam yang tak tahu ceruk mana tu ๐Ÿ˜ school is sekolah, home is cuti. ayat ni masih boleh digunapakai lagi untuk adik-adik yang nak exam tu selagi belum tiba bulan 6. okay? 
Kenapa sebelum bulan 6? Sebab takkan nak tinggal lagi seminggu baru nak struggle gila shiput kot kan?At least paling tak pun empat bulan before pun okaylahkan nak refresh semua bab dari form1 untill form3. 

I hope this year will be the memoriable year to me and my friends ofc,๐Ÿ’จ Semoga kita dapat results yang flying colours belaka yaa.. Inshaallah semua straight As. mihmih. 

 Berangan kan free, so why kita kena bersusah payah untuk tidak verangan. Tapi kalau hangpa berangan sampai langit bulan bintang meteor segalanya pun takde usaha its nothing jugak kan.

Man jadda wa jadda๐Ÿ‘ Siapa berusaha dia berjaya.

Okay, I lost all my words now. Inshaallah, panjang umur I'll sambung balik for my next post. Assalamualaikum, bye lucky people! ๐Ÿ’–

With love,
Iffah Nadiah

1 comment:

  1. Pt3 kena lebih perhatian dik. Belajar secara smart tau. Hehe
